Understanding Carsharing Risk and Insurance Claims in the United States
Carsharing offers consumers short-term access to vehicles, which facilitates better mobility and reduces the need for personal vehicle ownership. Carsharing does not require consumers to have automobile insurance. Instead, carsharing operators insure their members and are...Read more about Understanding Carsharing Risk and Insurance Claims in the United States
Carsharing: A Guide for Local Planners
Transportation issues can create seemingly no-win conflicts for planners, whether it’s dealing with traffic demand management, wrangling over parking requirements, addressing quality of life issues that accompany traffic congestion, or trying to reduce vehicle emissions to forestall...Read more about Carsharing: A Guide for Local Planners
Peer-to-Peer Carsharing: Exploring Public Perception and Market Characteristics in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
Peer-to-peer carsharing is an innovative approach to vehicle sharing in which vehicle owners temporarily rent their personal automobiles to others in their surrounding area. Peer-to-peer carsharing belongs to the larger sharing economy, an economic model premised on the notion of...Read more about Peer-to-Peer Carsharing: Exploring Public Perception and Market Characteristics in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Summer 2014
In October 2013, TSRC hosted the inaugural Shared-Use Mobility Summit in San Francisco, a two-day event facilitating a lively dialogue among mobility providers, policymakers, governmental agencies, non-profits, affiliated industries, technologists, academics, and other stakeholders on the...Read more about Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Summer 2014
Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Fall 2014
Two large all electric carsharing programs will be launching in Las Vegas, Nevada and Indianapolis, Indiana in 2014-2015.
In Las Vegas, SHIFT carsharing will be launching in late-2014. SHIFT will feature two services “CoreDrive” and “CityDrive.” CoreDrive will feature a fleet of Smart and...Read more about Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Fall 2014
Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Summer 2015
Since 1994, 83 carsharing programs have been deployed in the Americas — 45 are operational and 38 defunct. As of January 1, 2015, there were 20 active programs in Canada, 23 in the United States (U.S.), one program in Mexico, and one in Brazil — totaling approximately 1,529,811 carsharing...Read more about Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Summer 2015
Information Brief: Carsharing for Business – Zipcar Case Study & Impact Analysis
Business carsharing (or corporate carsharing) is a form of carsharing that enables commercial businesses to reduce or eliminate private vehicle eets typically maintained for business purposes. It may provide exclusive-use vehicles to clients that are shared among employees and departments or it...Read more about Information Brief: Carsharing for Business – Zipcar Case Study & Impact Analysis
Zero- and Low-Emission Vehicles in U.S. Carsharing Fleets: Impacts of Exposure on Member Perceptions
The California Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Mandate, adopted in 1990, was aimed at increasing the sale and dissemination of low- or zero-emission vehicles throughout the California auto market. ZEVs include plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs) and all-electric vehicles (EVs). In an attempt to...Read more about Zero- and Low-Emission Vehicles in U.S. Carsharing Fleets: Impacts of Exposure on Member Perceptions
Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Winter 2016
As of October 2014, carsharing was operating in 33 countries, five continents, and an estimated 1,531 cities with approximately 4.8 million members sharing over 104,000 vehicles. Europe, the largest carsharing region measured by membership, accounts for 46% of worldwide membership and 56% of...Read more about Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Winter 2016
Impacts of car2go on Vehicle Ownership, Modal Shift, Vehicle Miles Traveled, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: An Analysis of Five North American Cities
Carsharing is the shared use of a vehicle fleet by members for tripmaking on a per trip basis. There are four forms of carsharing in North America today: 1) roundtrip, 2) one-way, 3) peer-to-peer, and 4) fractional. In roundtrip carsharing, members begin and end a trip at the same vehicle...Read more about Impacts of car2go on Vehicle Ownership, Modal Shift, Vehicle Miles Traveled, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: An Analysis of Five North American Cities
North American College/University Market Carsharing Impacts: Results From Zipcar’s College Travel Study 2015
Researchers at the Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC), UC Berkeley in partnership with Zipcar conducted a survey to better understand the impact that carsharing has on college member travel behavior, vehicle holdings and driving, quality of life, and transportation expense...Read more about North American College/University Market Carsharing Impacts: Results From Zipcar’s College Travel Study 2015
Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Winter 2018
Peer-to-peer (P2P) carsharing employs privately owned vehicles made temporarily available for shared use by an individual or members of a P2P carsharing network. Expenditures, such as insurance, are generally covered by the P2P operator during the access period. In exchange for providing...Read more about Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Winter 2018
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