
Title Author Year Publication type
A systematic review of life cycle greenhouse gas intensity values for hydrogen production pathways Pablo Busch, Alissa Kendall, Timothy Lipman 2023 Journal Article
Zero- and Low-Emission Vehicles in U.S. Carsharing Fleets: Impacts of Exposure on Member Perceptions Susan Shaheen, PhD, Elliot Martin, PhD, and Apaar Bansal 2015 Report
Initial Scoping of Bay Area Smart Mobility Corridors and ITS World Congress Susan Shaheen, Ph.D, Rachel Finson, Cynthia McCormick 2004 Report
Automated Vehicles, On-Demand Mobility and Environmental Impacts Jeffery Greenblatt; Susan Shaheen, PhD 2015 Report
Peer-to-Peer Carsharing: Exploring Public Perception and Market Characteristics in the San Francisco Bay Area, California Ingrid Ballús Armet, Susan Shaheen, PhD, Kelly Clonts, and David Weinzimmer 2014 Report
Smart Parking Pilot on the Coaster Commuter Rail Line in San Diego, California Tagan Blake, Caroline Rodier, Ph.D, and Susan Shaheen, Ph.D 2008 Report
Carsharing in the United States: Examining Market Potential Susan A. Shaheen, Ph.D. 2002 Report
California Transportation Plan 2050: Northern and Southern California Visioning Sessions Findings Susan Shaheen, PhD; Hannah Totte; Adam Cohen 2018 Report
Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstration: Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) OpenTripPlanner Elliot Martin, Aqshems Nichols, Adam Cohen, Susan Shaheen, Les Brown 2021 Report
Travel Behavior: Shared Mobility and Transportation Equity Susan Shaheen, PhD, Corwin Bell, Adam Cohen, Balaji Yelchuru 2017 Report
