Smart Parking Pilot on the Coaster Commuter Rail Line in San Diego, California |
Tagan Blake, Caroline Rodier, Ph.D, Susan Shaheen, Ph.D |
2007 |
Report |
The CarLink II Pilot Program: Testing a Commuter-Based Carsharing Model |
Susan Shaheen, PhD and John Wright |
2001 |
Report |
Smartphone App Evolution and Early Understanding from a Multimodal App User Survey |
Susan Shaheen, PhD; Adam Cohen; Elliot Martin, PhD |
2017 |
Report |
Shared Micromoblity Policy Toolkit: Docked and Dockless Bike and Scooter Sharing |
Susan Shaheen, PhD and Adam Cohen |
2019 |
Report |
Ammonia as an Alternative Energy Storage Medium for Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Scientific and Technical Review for Near-Term Stationary Power Demonstration Projects, Final Report |
Tim Lipman and Nihar Shah |
2007 |
Report |
Double the Trouble: A Playbook for COVID-19 and Evacuations |
Stephen Wong, PhD, Jacquelyn Broader, Adam Cohen, Susan Shaheen, PhD |
2021 |
Report |
Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Carsharing in North America |
Elliot Martin and Susan Shaheen, PhD |
2011 |
Report |
Identification and Prioritization of Environmentally Beneficial Intelligent Transportation Technologies: Modeling Effort |
Susan Shaheen, Ph.D, Troy Young, Ph.D, Daniel Sperling, Ph.D, Daniel Jordan, Ph.D, Thomas Horan, Ph.D |
1999 |
Report |
The Benefits of Carpooling |
Susan Shaheen, PhD; Adam Cohen; Alexandre Bayen, PhD |
2018 |
Report |
Shared Automated Vehicle Toolkit: Policies and Planning Considerations for Implementation |
Susan Shaheen, Adam Cohen, Jacquelyn Broader, Sarah Hoban, Ashley Auer, Gustave Cordahi, Shawn Kimmel |
2022 |
Report |
Shared-Use Mobility: What Does the Future Hold? |
Susan Shaheen, PhD and Matthew Christensen, MPL |
2015 |
Report |
Public Bikesharing and Modal Shift Behavior: A Comparative Study of Early Bikesharing Systems in North America |
Susan Shaheen, PhD; Elliot Martin, PhD; Adam Cohen |
2013 |
Report |
The Potential Societal Barriers of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) |
Susan Shaheen, PhD, Adam Cohen, and Emily Farrar |
2018 |
Report |
Synthesis of State-Level Planning and Strategic Actions on Automated Vehicles: Lessons and Policy Guidance for California |
Stephen Wong, Susan Shaheen |
2020 |
Report |
Future of Work: Scenario Planning for COVID-19 Recovery |
Alexandra Pan, Susan Shaheen |
2022 |
Report |
Public Bikesharing and Modal Shift Behavior: A Comparative Study of Early Bikesharing Systems in North America |
Susan Shaheen, PhD, Elliot Martin, PhD, and Adam Cohen |
2013 |
Report |
Commercial Vehicle Parking in California: Exploratory Evaluation of the Problem and Possible Technology-Based Solutions |
Susan A. Shaheen, Ph.D and Caroline J. Rodier, Ph.D |
2007 |
Report |
Online and App-Based Carpooling in France: Analyzing Users and Practices—A Study of BlaBlaCar |
Susan Shaheen, PhD; Adam Stocker; Marie Mundler |
2017 |
Report |
MOD Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation: Valley Metro Mobility Platform Project Evaluation Plan |
Gustave Cordahi; Susan Shaheen, PhD; Elliot Martin, PhD |
2018 |
Report |
Biofuel Boundaries: Estimating the Medium-Term Supply Potential of Domestic Biofuels |
Andrew Jones, Michael O'Hare, and Alexander Farrell |
2007 |
Report |
Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstration: Valley Metro Mobility Platform Evaluation Report |
Elliot Martin; Ziad Yassine; Adam Cohen; Susan Shaheen; Les Brown |
2020 |
Report |
Shared Mobility: Current Practices and Guiding Principles |
Susan Shaheen, PhD and Adam Cohen |
2016 |
Report |
The Impact of Carsharing on Public Transit and Non-Motorized Travel: An Exploration of North American Carsharing Survey Data |
Elliot Martin and Susan Shaheen, PhD |
2011 |
Report |
Good Practices for Local Governments and Private Companies Driving Change Together in Urban Mobility: Lessons Learned from One-Way Carsharing |
Clara Terrien; Rémi Maniak; Bo Chen; Susan Shaheen, PhD |
2016 |
Report |
Social Equity Impacts of Congestion Management Strategies |
Susan Shaheen, PhD; Adam Stocker; Ruth Meza |
2019 |
Report |
Planning for Advanced Air Mobility |
Adam Cohen, Susan Shaheen PhD, Yolanka Wulff JD |
2024 |
Report |
Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Carsharing: Understanding Early Markets, Social Dynamics, and Behavioral Impacts |
Susan Shaheen, PhD, Elliot Martin, PhD, and Apaar Bansal |
2018 |
Report |
Carsharing and Public Parking Policies: Assessing Benefits, Costs, and Best Practices in North America |
Susan Shaheen, PhD, Caroline Rodier, PhD, Gail Murray, Adam Cohen, and Elliot Martin, PhD |
2010 |
Report |
Public Bikesharing in North America: Early Operator Understanding and Emerging Trends |
Susan Shaheen, PhD; Adam Cohen; Elliot Martin, PhD |
2013 |
Report |
Urban Air Mobility Market Study |
Colleen Reiche, PhD, Rohit Goyal, Adam Cohen, Jacqueline Serrao, Shawn Kimmel, PhD, Chris Fernando, Susan Shaheen, PhD |
2018 |
Report |
Dynamic Ecodriving in Northern California: A Study of Survey and Vehicle Operations Data from an Ecodriving Feedback Device |
Elliot Martin, Ph.D, Kanok Boriboonsomsin, Ph.D, Nelson Chan, Nigel Williams, Susan Shaheen, Ph.D, and Matthew Barth, Ph.D |
2012 |
Report |
Innovative Corridors Initiative: Call for Submission Process and Evaluation |
Rachel S. Finson, Cynthia McCormick, Susan A. Shaheen, Ph.D. |
2007 |
Report |
The CarLink II Pilot Program: Examining the Viability of Transit-Based Carsharing |
Susan Shaheen, PhD and John Wright |
2001 |
Report |
Mobility and the Sharing Economy: Potential to Overcome First- and Last-Mile Public Transit Connections |
Susan Shaheen, PhD; Nelson Chan |
2016 |
Report |
MOD Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation: PSTA-Public-Private-Partnership for Paratransit Mobility on Demand Demonstration Evaluation Plan |
Gustave Cordahi; Susan Shaheen, PhD; Elliot Martin, PhD |
2018 |
Report |
A Low-Carbon Fuel Standard for California Part 2: Policy Analysis |
Alexander Farrell, Daniel Sperling, AR Brandt, A Eggert, AE Farrell, BK Haya, J Hughes, BM Jenkins, AD Jones, DM Kammen, CR Knittel, MW Melaina, M O'Hare, RJ Plevin, and D Sperling |
2007 |
Report |
Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstration: Valley Metro Mobility Platform |
Angie DeVore, Ziad Yassine, Elliot Martin |
2021 |
Report |
An Evaluation of Via Rideshare Service in West Sacramento: An Exploratory Analysis Through Surveys and Expert Interviews |
Elliot Martin, Aqshems Nichols, Susan Shaheen |
2019 |
Report |
Smartphone Applications to Influence Travel Choices: Practices and Policies |
Susan Shaheen, PhD and Adam Cohen |
2016 |
Report |
Ecodriving and Carbon Footprinting: Understanding How Public Education Can Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Use |
Elliot Martin, Nelson Chan, and Susan Shaheen, PhD |
2011 |
Report |
Generic time- and method-interdependencies of empirical impact-measurements: A generalizable model of adaptation-processes of carsharing-users' mobility-behavior over time |
Jörg Firnkorn; Susan Shaheen, PhD |
2016 |
Report |
An Assessment of the Potential Weather Barriers of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) |
Colleen Reiche, PhD, Frank Brody, Christian McGillen, Joel Siegel, Adam Cohen |
2018 |
Report |
EasyConnect II: Integrating Transportation, Information, and Energy Technologies at the Pleasant Hill BART Transit Oriented Development |
Susan A. Shaheen, PhD, Caroline Rodier, PhD, Tagan Blake, Jeffrey R. Lidicker, and Elliot Martin |
2009 |
Report |
Davis Smart Mobility Model: Initial Scoping and Planning Study |
Susan Shaheen, Ph.D, Rachel Finson |
2003 |
Report |
Exploring the Future of Integrated Transportation Systems in the United States from 2030 to 2050: Application of a Scenario Planning Tool |
Susan Shaheen, PhD; Madonna Camel; Kunik Lee |
2013 |
Report |
A Legal and Regulatory Assessment for the Potential of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) |
Jacqueline Serrao, Sarah Nilsson, and Shawn Kimmel |
2018 |
Report |
Advancing Road User Charge (RUC) Models in California: Understanding Social Equity and Travel Behavior Impacts |
Jessica Lazarus, Jacquelyn Broader, Adam Cohen, Alexandre Bayen, Susan Shaheen |
2022 |
Report |
Exploring the Future of Integrated Transportation Systems in the United States from 2030 to 2050: Application of A Scenario Planning Tool |
Susan Shaheen, PhD and Kunik Lee, PhD |
2012 |
Report |
CarLink Economics: An Empirically-Based Scenario Analysis |
Susan Shaheen, PhD and Robert Uyeki |
2000 |
Report |
MOD Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation: BART Integrated Carpool to Transit Access Program Evaluation Plan |
Gustave Cordahi; Susan Shaheen, PhD; Elliot Martin, PhD |
2018 |
Report |