Challenge 1: Understanding future demand for AAM and integrating AAM with other modes of transportation.
Analysis could include but is not limited to:
- What is the future demand for AAM in the San Francisco Bay Area and at SFO in 2035 and beyond?
- How will AAM and other emerging transportation technologies (e.g., automated vehicles, high-speed rail, etc.) impact airport and regional modal access (e.g., demand for parking, taxis, transportation network companies, etc.)?
- Where should vertiports be sited to optimize opportunities for multimodal integration (i.e., high-speed rail, shared automated vehicles, etc.) and/or terminal connectivity? For example, this could include airport (airside and/or landside) locations, off-airport locations, locating AAM at other regional intermodal facilities, etc.
Challenge 2: Preparing SFO for electric and hydrogen AAM.
Analysis could include but is not limited to:
- What are the potential energy and grid impacts of AAM at SFO and/or the surrounding communities? How could energy infrastructure create synergies and/or challenges for the electrification of landside and airside ground vehicles at SFO?
- What energy infrastructure is needed to support AAM at SFO and in the San Francisco Bay Area? What opportunities exist to share this energy infrastructure with other modes of transportation?
- Where could energy infrastructure to support AAM be located at/or adjacent to SFO?
Challenge 3: Understanding the economic and financial viability of AAM operations in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Analysis could include but is not limited to:
What are the potential business models of integrating AAM in the San Francisco Bay Area?
How might AAM pricing compare to existing transportation options (i.e., ridehailing, public transit, personal vehicle use, etc.)?
- What consumer use cases (i.e., passenger mobility, regional air mobility, emergency response, etc.) are likely to drive demand for AAM in the San Francisco Bay Area?
Please review the Frequently Asked Questions section below for additional information.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Am I allowed to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools to complete my analysis?
Yes, however, when you submit your work, we will ask you to describe how and where you used AI in your work. Teams using AI will also be asked to disclose potential limitations of the AI methods employed.
2. I work in the private sector, am I allowed to participate?
Yes, individuals from all backgrounds (i.e., public sector, private sector, academia, etc.) are able to participate.
3. How do I find data?
We have provided a repository of open source data that you may use [click here to view data]. Data will be released on Friday, December 13 at 8am Pacific Time. Participants are not limited to the data provided in this repository.
4. What if I don’t know anything about AAM and/or AAM aircraft?
We have developed a quick fact sheet to help participants identify information about various AAM aircraft and manufacturers - having knowledge of AAM and/or AAM aircraft is not a prerequisite for participation [click here to view quick fact sheet].
More information about AAM is available at:
Additionally, more information about AAM aircraft under development is available at:
5. What tools are avilable to hackathon participants?
LYNEport has generously made their software free to hackathon participants. If you want to include in your submission planning and design of vertiports and conduct flight simulations with eVTOLs, you can access LYNEports software ( for free from Friday, December 13 at 8 am (Pacific Time) until Sunday, December 15 at 11:59 pm (Pacific Time). On Friday, December 13 at 8 am (Pacific Time) a coupon code will be made available for participants through this link. Use of this software is optional and not required.
6. How much time do I have to complete the analysis?
The hackathon officially begins on Friday, December 13 at 8am (Pacific Time). Please submit your final presentation of findings by Sunday, December 15 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) to the following link:
7. How should I submit my findings?
Please compile your findings in a slide deck presentation (i.e., Powerpoint) and submit to the following link: This link will collect general information (i.e., your name, email, etc.) and ask for you to describe any use of AI and potential limitations of the AI methods employed. Additional supporting documentation beyond the slide deck will be optional. If you are working in a team, please submit one response per team. There will be a place for you to indicate the names and emails of your team members.
8. Are there any prizes for the best submission?
The first place submission will recieve a $500 gift card and the second place submission will receive a $250 gift card. If more than one person is on the first or second place team, the gift card value will be divided amongst the number of people on the team. For example, if the first place team has five people, each person will recieve a $100 gift card. We will work with the teams to select gift cards to a national retailor (i.e., Amazon, Target, etc.).
9. How are submissions judged?
Each slide deck submission will be judged based on organization, content, and presentation, according to the following rubric:
Category | Points |
Organization | 15 |
Content | 75 |
Presentation | 10 |
Total Points | 100 |
Shortly after the holidays we will schedule a webinar to announce the winners and allow them to present their key findings.
10. What if I have additional questions?
If you have additional questions, please reach out to