
Title Author Year Publication type
Intelligent Transportation Technology Elements and Operational Methodologies for Shared-Use Vehicle Systems Matthew Barth; Michael Todd; Susan Shaheen, PhD 2003 Journal Article
U.S. Shared-Use Vehicle Survey Findings: Opportunities and Obstacles for Carsharing and Station Car Growth Susan Shaheen, PhD, Mollyanne Meyn, Kamill Wipyewski 2003 Journal Article
University of California, Davis Long-Range Development Plan: A Davis Smart Mobility Model Susan Shaheen, Ph.D, Caroline Rodier, Rachel Finson 2003 Report
Carsharing and Carfree Housing: Predicted Travel, Emission, and Economic Benefits Caroline Rodier, PhD and Susan Shaheen, PhD 2004 Report
Policy Considerations for Carsharing & Station Cars: Monitoring Growth, Trends, and Overall Impacts Susan Shaheen, PhD, Andrew Schwartz, and Kamill Wipyewski 2004 Journal Article
CarLink II: A Commuter Carsharing Pilot Program Final Report Susan Shaheen, PhD, Kamill Wipyewski, Caroline Rodier, PhD, Linda Novick, Mollyane Meyn, and John Wright 2004 Report
Initial Scoping of Bay Area Smart Mobility Corridors and ITS World Congress Susan Shaheen, Ph.D, Rachel Finson, Cynthia McCormick 2004 Report
Improving California’s Bay Area Rapid Transit District Connectivity and Access with Segway Human Transporter and Other Low-Speed Mobility Devices Susan Shaheen, Caroline Rodier, Amanda Eaken 2005 Journal Article
Transit-Based Smart Parking in the San Francisco Bay Area, California: Assessment of User Demand and Behavioral Effects Caroline Rodier, PhD, Susan Shaheen, PhD, and Amanda Eaken 2005 Journal Article
Framework for Testing Innovative Transit Solutions: Case Study of CarLink, A Commuter Carsharing Program Susan Shaheen, PhD and Linda Novick 2005 Journal Article
