The Potential Societal Barriers of Urban Air Mobility (UAM)


Urban Air Mobility (UAM) is an emerging concept ofair transportation where small package delivery drones to passengercarrying air taxis operate over populated areas, from small towns to the largest cities are being consideredThis could revolutionize the way people move within and around cities by shortening commute times, bypassing ground congestion, and enabling pointtopoint flights across cities. In recent yearsseveral companies have designed and tested enabling elements of this concept, including; prototypes of Vertical TakeOff Landing (VTOL) capable vehicles, operational concepts,and potential business models. While UAM may be enabled by the convergence of several factors, several challenges could prevent its mainstreaming, such as societal acceptance

For this study, the researchers conducted three key steps to study the potential societal adoption of UAM. First, we conducted a literature review on existing studies that examine trust in automation, perceptions of UAM and other related technologies, and feelings toward the composition and characteristics of flight crews (e.g., gender perceptions, etc.). We then conducted two focus groups to collect qualitative responses and help inform the development of a general population survey regarding UAM across five U.S. cities. Two focus groups were completed in June 2018 in Washington,D.C. and Los Angeles. The participants of the focus groups were engaged on topics such as: familiarity with UAM; their thoughts and impressions of UAM; and views regarding ownership, automation, and safety. In August 2018, we completed an exploratory general population survey consisting of approximately 1,700 respondents in Houston, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and WashingtonD.C. (approximately 350 respondents per city). The survey expanded on the topics covered in the focus groups and included additional questions about willingnesstofly, weather, and noise concerns. This report summarizes the literature review, focus group, and survey findings.

Susan Shaheen, PhD, Adam Cohen, and Emily Farrar
Publication date: 
November 21, 2018
Publication type: 
Shaheen, S., Cohen, A., & Farrar, E. (2018). The Potential Societal Barriers of Urban Air Mobility (UAM). UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center. Retrieved from