Shared Mobility Policy and Modeling Workshop


The market for personal mobility is changing rapidly due to shifting social and cultural trends, as well as technological advances, such as smartphones, information processing, widespread dataconnectivity, sharing, and vehicle automation. Shared, ondemand mobility represents asustainable vision for future mobility with a reliable network of multimodal options that areavailable to all travelers. On March 22, 2019, the Local Government Commission (LGC) and the Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC) at the University of California, Berkeley hosted the Caltrans Shared Mobility and Policy Toolkit WorkshopThe workshop facilitated a dialogue of approximately 100 participants representing local, state, and regional governments; private companies; nonprofits and communitybased organizations; and educational institutions. Key goals of the workshop include:

  • Enhancing public agency (public transit, local, regional, and state) preparedness for enabling mobility solutionsand technologies (both public and private);
  • Learning about opportunities for public/private collaboration to deliver shared transportation services;
  • Advancing incorporation of shared mobility into transportation planning and modeling approaches; and
  • Preparing for the growing role of micromobility and shared automated vehicles (SAVs) in the transportation ecosystem.
Susan Shaheen, PhD; Adam Cohen; and Emily Farrar
Publication date: 
April 1, 2019
Publication type: 
Shaheen, S., Cohen, A., & Farrar, E. (2019). Shared Mobility Policy and Modeling Workshop. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center. Retrieved from