Virtual Commercial Vehicle Compliance Stations: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues


In the past five years, commercial vehicle travel has increased 60 percent on California’s highways, without a corresponding increase in compliance inspection station capacity or enforcement officers. Commercial vehicles that do not comply with regulations impose significant public costs including, for example, pavement and structural damage to roads and catastrophic crashes. In response to these problems, the California Department of Transportation is investigating the potential application of detection and communication technology in virtual compliance stations (VCS) to cost effectively improve enforcement of commercial vehicle regulations. This study begins with a description of the fledgling VCS research programs in the U.S., as well as more advanced international VCS programs. Next, the results of expert interviews with key officials involved in the early deployment stages of VCS programs in Kentucky, Florida, and Indiana, and Saskatchewan are reported. This is followed by an analysis of institutional barriers to VCS screening and automated enforcement based on the relatively extensive body of literature on the commercial vehicle electronic pre-screening programs and red-light and speeding automated enforcement programs. The paper concludes with some key recommendations to address legal and institutional barriers to VCS deployment in the U.S.

Caroline Rodier, PhD, Susan Shaheen, PhD, and Ellen Cavanagh
Publication date: 
December 31, 2006
Publication type: 
Journal Article
Rodier, C. J, Shaheen, S. A, & Cavanagh, E. (2006). Virtual Commercial Vehicle Compliance Stations: A Review of Legal and Istitutional Issues. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1966(1), 126-132. Retrieved from