
Title Author Year Publication type
Struggling to Connect: Housing and Transportation Challenges of Low-Income Suburban Residents in the San Francisco Bay Area Alexandra Pan, Elizabeth Deakin PhD, Susan Shaheen PhD 2024 Report
Low-Income Suburban Residents in the San Francisco Bay Area Face Significant Housing and Transportation Issues Alexandra Pan, Elizabeth Deakin PhD, Susan Shaheen PhD 2024 Policy Brief
Behavioral and Sociodemographic Impacts of Carsharing Susan Shaheen, PhD, Alexandra Pan 2024 Book Chapter
Local Government Strategies to Improve Shared Micromobility Infrastructure Susan Shaheen Ph.D., Elliot Martin Ph.D., Adam Cohen 2024 Policy Brief
Planning for Advanced Air Mobility Adam Cohen, Susan Shaheen PhD, Yolanka Wulff JD 2024 Report
Advanced Air Mobility: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Needs for the State of California (2023-2030) Adam Cohen, Susan Shaheen PhD 2024 Report
Going My Way? Understanding Curb Management and Incentive Policies to Increase Pooling Service Use and Public Transit Linkages in the San Francisco Bay Area Wesley Darling, Jacquelyn Broader, Adam Cohen, Susan Shaheen 2023 Journal Article
A systematic review of life cycle greenhouse gas intensity values for hydrogen production pathways Pablo Busch, Alissa Kendall, Timothy Lipman 2023 Journal Article
Creative Reallocation of Curbs, Streets, Sidewalks Accelerated by the Pandemic May be Here to Stay Susan Shaheen, Adam Cohen, Jacquelyn Broader 2023 Policy Brief
Transportation Network Companies Might Be Pulling Riders from Public Transit, but This Could Change Susan Shaheen, Elliot Martin, Adam Stocker 2023 Policy Brief
