
The CarLink II Pilot Program: Testing a Commuter-Based Carsharing Model

Susan Shaheen, PhD and John Wright

The automobile is the dominant travel mode throughout the U.S., while transit accounts for less than four percent of market share. Between these principal modes, niche markets exist for other transportation services, such as transit feeder shuttles and carsharing. Commuter-based carsharing, in which individuals share a fleet of vehicles linked to transit, could potentially fill and expand one such niche, complement existing services, and develop into an economically viable transportation alternative. While most transit shuttles rely heavily upon governmental support, carsharing has...

CarLink II: Research Approach and Early Findings

Susan Shaheen, Ph.D, John Wright

In this report, the authors describe the key differences between the CarLink I and CarLink II models; describe in detail how feedback from focus groups guided and refined various aspects of the CarLink II project – both for marketing and logistics; and, in the appendix, the authors present the protocol and summary of each focus group.

Examining Intelligent Transportation Technology Elements and Operational Methodologies for Shared-Use Vehicle Systems

Matt Barth, Michael Todd, Susan Shaheen, PhD

As an innovative mobility solution, there has been significant interest and activity in shared-use vehicle systems. Shared-use vehicle systems (i.e., carsharing, station cars) consist of a fleet of vehicles that are used by several different individuals throughout the day. Shared-use vehicles offer the convenience of a private automobile and more flexibility than public transportation alone. In recent years, varying degrees of intelligent transportation system technologies have been applied to shared-used systems, providing better manageability and customer service. Many shared-use...

Davis Smart Mobility Model: Initial Scoping and Planning Study

Susan Shaheen, Ph.D, Rachel Finson

This report reflects an initial scoping that is intended to inform a broader multi-year project at the University of California, Davis. The University of California, Davis is addressing projected growth scenarios in its Long-Range Development Plan and is interested in innovative transportation projects that will increase the mobility of the University community while improving and sustaining high environmental and social standards in planning objectives. This report starts to develop a general assessment of the campus and the City of Davis, introduces the project to key players and...

Unsafe at Any Speed?: What the Literature Says About Low-Speed Modes

Caroline Rodier, Ph.D, Susan Shaheen, Ph.D, Stephanie Chung

The literature is reviewed on the safety of low-speed modes in the pedestrian environment, including walking, bicycling, skating, skateboarding, riding scooters, and operating wheelchairs, as part of a research and feasibility analysis of a pilot project that introduces shared Segway Human Transporters (HT), electric bikes, and bikes linked to a suburban Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District station and employment centers in Northern California. Advocates of the disabled, pedestrians, and the elderly have raised a number of concerns about the safety of the Segway HT in the...

University of California, Davis Long-Range Development Plan: A Davis Smart Mobility Model

Susan Shaheen, Ph.D, Caroline Rodier, Rachel Finson

The goal of the Davis Smart Mobility Model project is to optimize individual mobility options through improved connectivity among modes, enhanced techniques to link land-use planning and transportation system design, advanced information technologies, and clean-fuel vehicles. The California PATH/Caltrans partnership with the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) was initiated after campus planners expressed interest in learning how innovative mobility services and technologies (such as carsharing and smart parking management) might help to alleviate the transportation impacts of...

Carsharing and Carfree Housing: Predicted Travel, Emission, and Economic Benefits

Caroline Rodier, PhD and Susan Shaheen, PhD

In this paper, researchers present simulation findings from three innovative mobility scenarios (forecast to 2025) using an advanced regional travel demand model. This model was employed to approximate the effects of transit-based carsharing (short-term vehicle access linked to transit), real-time transit information services, and carfree housing (residential developments designed with limited parking provisions) in the Sacramento region. The scenarios are evaluated against travel, emission, and economic benefits criteria. The results indicate relatively modest reductions in vehicle...

Initial Scoping of Bay Area Smart Mobility Corridors and ITS World Congress

Susan Shaheen, Ph.D, Rachel Finson, Cynthia McCormick

The Innovative Corridors Initiative (ICI) is a multi-year project designed to encouarge the early deployment of innovative technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in California. ITS technologies are defined through a broad array of information and vehicle control technologies that are designed to improve traffic and transit management including safety, user choice, congestion, and incident response. For over a decade, ITS technologies have been gaining acceptance and are now used in every metropolitan area in the United States to enhance transportation system...

Integrated Hydrogen and Intelligent Transportation Systems Evaluation for the California Department of Transportation

Timothy Lipman, Ph.D, Susan Shaheen, Ph.D

This “Integrated Hydrogen/Intelligent Transportation Systems Evaluation for the California Department of Transportation” project was conceived to investigate hydrogen activities in the State and around the U.S. that might impact the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) operations. The project is intended to review these activities and to suggest potential interesting applications of combined hydrogen and intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies. This project was conducted by researchers at the University of California – Berkeley under California Partners...

Enhanced Transit Strategies: Bus Lanes with Intermittent Priority and ITS Technology Architectures for TOD enhancements

Michael Todd, Matthew Barth, Michael Eichler, Carlos Daganzo, Susan Shaheen, Ph.D

Due to increases in congestion, transportation costs, and associated environmental impacts, a variety of new enhanced transit strategies are being investigated worldwide. The transit-oriented development (TOD) concept is a key area where several enhanced transit strategies can be implemented. TODs integrate transit, residential, retail and/or commercial entities into a compact, pedestrian-friendly community, thereby reducing private car usage and increasing transit use. This research report addresses two enhanced transit strategies within the TOD framework: 1) using Bus Lanes with...