Energy & Infrastructure

Charging infrastructure demands of shared-use autonomous electric vehicles in urban areas

Hongcai Zhang, Colin J.R. Sheppard, Timothy E. Lipman, Teng Zeng, Scott J. Moura

Ride-hailing is a clear initial market for autonomous electric vehicles (AEVs) because it features high vehicle utilization levels and strong incentive to cut down labor costs. An extensive and reliable network of recharging infrastructure is the prerequisite to launch a lucrative AEV ride-hailing fleet. Hence, it is necessary to estimate the charging infrastructure demands for an AEV fleet in advance. This study proposes a charging system planning framework for a shared-use AEV fleet providing ride-hailing services in urban area. We first adopt an agent-based simulation model,...

Architecture for Co-Simulation of Transportation and Distribution Systems with Electric Vehicle Charging at Scale in the San Francisco Bay Area

Nadia V. Panossian, Haitam Laarabi, Keith Moffat, Heather Chang, Bryan Palmintier, Andrew Meintz, Timothy E. Lipman, Rashid A. Waraich

This work describes the Grid-Enhanced, Mobility-Integrated Network Infrastructures for Extreme Fast Charging (GEMINI) architecture for the co-simulation of distribution and transportation systems to evaluate EV charging impacts on electric distribution systems of a large metropolitan area and the surrounding rural regions with high fidelity. The current co-simulation is applied to Oakland and Alameda, California, and in future work will be extended to the full San Francisco Bay Area. It uses the HELICS co-simulation framework to enable parallel instances of vetted grid and...

A systematic review of life cycle greenhouse gas intensity values for hydrogen production pathways

Pablo Busch, Alissa Kendall, Timothy Lipman

Hydrogen is a potential low-carbon energy carrier to replace fossil fuels, especially in industrial and transportation applications where decarbonization is particularly challenging. Hydrogen can be generated via several feedstocks and technology combinations (pathways) that result in different life cycle greenhouse gas emissions intensities, thus policies and investments intended to deploy hydrogen as a climate solution must differentiate among pathways. To collect and analyze current estimates of the life cycle greenhouse gas intensity of hydrogen pathways, a systematic scholarly...

Analysis of the Combined Vehicle- And Post-Vehicle-Use Value Of Lithium-Ion Plug-In Vehicle Propulsion Batteries

Brett Williams
Timothy Lipman, PhD

California’s promising market for the widespread introduction of plug‐in vehicles exists due to advances in electric‐drive technology such as lithium‐ion batteries and the development of strong policy drivers including California’s Global Warming Solutions Act. However, high battery costs continue to present a significant hurdle to commercialization. This report builds upon previous research that examined the potential to lower battery lease payments by repurposing used vehicle batteries for stationary use as distributed electrical storage devices to support the grid. Such devices might...

"Hydrogen Production Science and Technology" in Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology

Timothy Lipman, PhD

The Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology (ESST) addresses the grand challenge for science and engineering today. It provides unprecedented, peer-reviewed coverage in more than 550 separate entries comprising 38 topical sections. ESST establishes a foundation for the many sustainability and policy evaluations being performed in institutions worldwide.

An indispensable resource for scientists and engineers in developing new technologies and for applying existing technologies to sustainability, the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology is presented at...