
Title Author Year Publication type
Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Summer 2014 Susan Shaheen, PhD and Adam Cohen 2014 Outlook
App-Based, On-Demand Ride Services: Comparing Taxi and Ridesourcing Trips and User Characteristics in San Francisco Lisa Rayle, Susan Shaheen, PhD, Nelson Chan, Danielle Dai, and Robert Cervero 2014 Journal Article
Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Fall 2014 Susan Shaheen, PhD and Adam Cohen 2014 Outlook
Evaluating Public Transit Modal Shift Dynamics In Response to Bikesharing: A Tale of Two U.S. Cities Elliot Martin, PhD; Susan Shaheen, PhD 2014 Report
Evolution of E-Mobility in Carsharing Business Models Susan Shaheen, PhD; Nelson Chan 2014 Report
Exploring Electric Vehicle Carsharing As A Mobility Option for Older Adults:A Case Study of A Senior Adult Community in The San Francisco Bay Area Susan Shaheen, PhD; Lauren Cano; Madonna Camel 2015 Report
Electric Carsharing in Underserved Communities (Greenlining Institute) Vien Truong and Joel Espino 2015 Outlook
Shared-Use Mobility: What Does the Future Hold? Susan Shaheen, PhD and Matthew Christensen, MPL 2015 Report
Mobility and the Sharing Economy: Impacts Synopsis – Spring 2015 Susan Shaheen, PhD, and Nelson Chan 2015 Outlook
One-Way Carsharing's Evolution and Operator Perspectives from the Americas Susan Shaheen, PhD; Nelson Chan; Helen Micheaux 2015 Report
