
Title Author Year Publication type
Evolution of E-Mobility in Carsharing Business Models Susan Shaheen, PhD; Nelson Chan 2014 Report
Evaluating Public Transit Modal Shift Dynamics In Response to Bikesharing: A Tale of Two U.S. Cities Elliot Martin, PhD; Susan Shaheen, PhD 2014 Report
Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Fall 2014 Susan Shaheen, PhD and Adam Cohen 2014 Outlook
App-Based, On-Demand Ride Services: Comparing Taxi and Ridesourcing Trips and User Characteristics in San Francisco Lisa Rayle, Susan Shaheen, PhD, Nelson Chan, Danielle Dai, and Robert Cervero 2014 Journal Article
Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook – Summer 2014 Susan Shaheen, PhD and Adam Cohen 2014 Outlook
Optimizing fermentation process miscanthus-to-ethanol biorefinery scale under uncertain conditions Matthew Bomberg; Daniel Sanchez; Timothy Lipman, PhD 2014 Journal Article
Shared-Use Mobility Summit: Retrospective from North America’s First Gathering on Shared-use Mobility Susan Shaheen, PhD and Matt Christensen 2014 Report
Evaluating the Public Perception of a Feebate Policy in California through the Estimation and Cross-Validation of an Ordinal Regression Model Elliot Martin, PhD; Susan Shaheen, PhD; Timothy Lipman, PhD; Madonna Camel 2014 Report
Peer-to-Peer Carsharing: Exploring Public Perception and Market Characteristics in the San Francisco Bay Area, California Ingrid Ballús Armet, Susan Shaheen, PhD, Kelly Clonts, and David Weinzimmer 2014 Report
“Recent Deployment and Capacity Trends for Stationary Fuel Cell Systems in the U.S.” in Data, Facts and Figures on Fuel Cells Max Wei; Shuk Han Chan; Ahmad Mayyas; Timothy Lipman, PhD 2014 Book Chapter
