The MOD Sandbox Demonstrations are sponsored by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The MOD Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation is sponsored by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), jointly by the Intelligent Transportation Systems - Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) and the FTA. All documents are USDOT publications. You may access the document at:
The proposed Valley Metro Mobility Platform will build on RidekickTM’s current functionality by developing and testing features not currently available to users. The envisioned Mobility Platform will enable users to receive real-time travel information, purchase tickets for both public and private transportation modes, and utilize an optimized trip planning service through the integration of non-Valley Metro operated services such as Lyft. With the formation of public-private partnerships (P3s), the mobile application will let riders choose specific travel itineraries based on travel time, mobility preferences, and proximity to transit options, as well as trip cost estimates. The enhanced integration will improve the level of connectivity throughout the transit network, thereby decreasing the first/last mile challenge facing public transportation users and allowing users to smoothly complete their trip from their point of origin to destination. This mobile application will allow Valley Metro and private transportation services to utilize technology to provide a multimodal travel planning service with the simplicity of a mobile interface and single payment system.
Total project funding is $1,000,001 in U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) funds and $399,000 in local matching funds.