
All News

November 2, 2018

Implications for Shared Urban Mobility for Latin American Countries

October 18, 2018

Image of a car door with stickers on it

Uber and Lyft already compete in ride-hailing, ride-sharing, bike-sharing and e-scooters. Next year, they'll be competing for investors, too: Both companies are reportedly planning initial public offerings for early 2019.

October 15, 2018

Image of a Waymo automated vehicle van in front of a house

Anyone who owns a car in San Francisco knows the agony of giving up a good parking spot. Every day, the nearly half a million cars registered in the city vie for about 280,000 street parking spaces. 

October 13, 2018

October 3, 2018

September 26, 2018

Co-founder of Lyft, John Zimmer, speaking              

An incentive program points to the company’s ambitions beyond ride-hailing

August 11, 2018

Three scooters standing in a row

Denver impounds hundreds of scooters without operating permits before drafting rules of the road for pilot program

July 25, 2018

Summer 2018

Study Looks at How We’ll Get From Here to There as Caltrans Plans for Future.

New technology, evolving economic and societal directions, and a changing climate are creating a seismic shift in the way California moves people and goods — and that makes transportation planning particularly challenging.

June 21, 2018

Person riding a battery-boosted mobility device through a city at night

Make Way for Little Vehicles

June 21, 2018


Can e-bikes, electric scooters, velomobiles, and other battery-boosted mobility gizmos really rid the city of the private car?

June 4, 2018

A man standing in front of a parked car

Car-Share Companies Get Coveted Parking in New York City

May 31, 2018


April 10, 2018

Red bikes lined up in a row

Uber Acquires the Bike Share Company JUMP

April 10, 2018


Person riding a red bike at night

Why Uber is buying e-bike sharing startup Jump Bikes

April 10, 2018


The big daddy of ride sharing, Uber, has officially jumped into electric bike sharing.

March 15, 2018

Man making a payment at SF park kiosk

Rates at some San Francisco parking meters could climb to $8 an hour — automatically

March 15, 2018